Social Theorist and Philosopher


Transgender Body Politics

Michele Moore and Heather Brunskell-Evans (Eds) (2019) Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne

Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body

Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore (Eds) (2018) Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne

Inventing Transgender Children and Young People

Michele Moore and Heather Brunskell-Evans (Eds) (2019) Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne

Book Chapters

Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore (2018) The Fabrication of ‘The Transgender Child’ in Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore (Eds) (2018) Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Heather Brunskell-Evans (2018) Gendered Mis-Intelligence: The Fabrication of ‘The Transgender Child in Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore (Eds) (2018) Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore (2019) From ‘Born in Your Own Body’ to ‘Invention’ of ‘The Transgender Child’ in Michele Moore and Heather Brunskell-Evans (Eds) (2019) Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Heather Brunskell-Evans (2019) The Tavistock: Inventing ‘The Transgender Child’ in Michele Moore and Heather Brunskell-Evans (Eds) (2019) Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle Upon Tyne

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